Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Where there's smoke...

...there's shit in your boots, allegedly.

In a poll released this week, firefighters topped the list as most-admired members of the community, with a 95% approval rating amongst the general public.

Firefighters' approval rating amongst other firefighters? Apparently not as good.


At March 21, 2006 7:18 p.m., Blogger K-Dough said...

They definitely deserve to be admired. Since 9-11 they seem to be actually worshipped around here...

It's going to be hard for females in the profession for a long time yet though. They are ridiculously outnumbered by guys who are often times the typical old school macho type.

At March 22, 2006 11:56 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

If my house is on fire I don't care if the guys fighting it are bastards.


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