Monday, January 23, 2006

Something of which I am rarely accused

A wise person once said, "All things should be enjoyed in moderation, except for moderation, which should be enjoyed to excess." (That wise person? Me, just now.)

Although probably not warranted given my depressing lack of readership, all the cool kids are doing it, so I've just turned on comment moderation. This way, nobody can get me in trouble with the Election Police by sneakily posting results from out thataway while us schmucks out thisaway are still voting. (Or trying to -- any idea how hard it is to mark a rain-soaked ballot?) Last thing I need is to end up as CalgaryGrit's bitch . Mind you, the hoodoos are pretty this time of year.

So, I'm about 3 hours away from voting. Still not pleased about my choices. But at least there's the complimentary latte to look forward to. (Or is that just a West Coast thing?)

See you on the flip side.